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Sales and Profit Analysis and Visualization of AtliQ Hardware

In this project, i used the database of AtliQ Hardware. It is a company which supplies computer hardware and peripherals to many clients across India. The company has a head office in Dehli and regional offices throughout India.

I tried to create a real world scenario in which the company's total revenue is declining every year. I used the database provided in the internet. Link of database. I used MySQL for database and Tableau for visualization.


The main goal of this project was to create an interactive dashboard using a visualization tool sothat it will be easy for the Managers to get the informations regarding the sales, products, customers, profit and losses.

The Steps Involved:
Project Result:

At the end of this project, i created two interactive dashboard which can be used to gain lot of insights by the managers. I learned a lot of data analysis techniques which can be used in real world. I had a lot of fun doing this project as well. The dashboard can be found here (Tableau Online).

More Screenshots: