British Council - Social Action project on Digital Literacy
“Empowering Community through Digital literacy”, A social action project was a collaborative effort by British Council Nepal and Kathmandu Pragya Kunja School to empower the teenagers of different community to enrich their knowledge in field of ICT. It was my great pleasure to be part of this program as a "Program Administrator" for monitoring and supervising whole project. It is my personal belief that the teenagers are the future of a country and for their ovreall development they must be digitally literate.
The main goal of this project was to create an environment where the teenagers from low economic communities can come together and learn different aspects of ICT to get them started with their journey towards digital literacy.
Students from our school visited different communites to undestand their needs to improve their access to health, education and quality of life. We choose to work with landless people (slum community) residing on the bank of Bagmati River in between the places Sinamagal to Tinkune with around 200 houses and 1000 number population.
We started the project with some introductory classes from 1st week of December 2021.
Introduction class:
Stationery Distribution:
From the second week ko december we started our classes with the learners according to the curriculum.
We also conducted some soft skill sessions, where we first looked at the presentations by students and also gave them necessary feedbacks, taught them some presentation skills as well.
On March 9th 2022 we concluded our project with a certificate distribution cermony. British Council Nepal School Ambassador Mr. Amit Sijapati graced the cermonay with his presence. Along with Bishal Rai ( Secretary, Srijana Youth Club), our scool principal Mrs.Sunita Poudel, our learners, their parents and other teachers from our school we concluded our programme.
Learner's Presentation
Some musical performances:
Certificate Distribution:
Certificate of Appreciation and Tocken of Love:
Mr Amit Sijapati (British Council School Ambassador, Nepal):
To conclude, it was a great pleasure for me to be able to contribute my knowledge to the ones in need. I hope they will continue to progress in their journey. It does not end here, i would always be ready to contribute more for the betterment of communities and our country.